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True Christianity




1. The word was God
1. 道就是神
2. God Sent a Man
2. 神差遣一个人
3. The Lord Who Sees Within
3. 耶和华看内心
4. Jesus Turns Water into Wine
4. 耶稣让水变成酒
5. You Must be Born Again
5. 你们必须重生
6. God So Loved
6. 神爱世人
7. He Must Become Greater
7. 祂必兴旺
8. Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
8. 耶稣和撒玛利亚的妇人
9. Jesus Heals the Royal Official's Son
9. 耶稣治好大臣的儿子
10. The Healing at the Pool
10. 毕士大池畔的医治
11. Jesus the Life Giver
11. 赐人生命的耶稣
12. Jesus Feeds Five Thousand
12. 耶稣喂饱五千人
13. Jesus the Bread of Heaven
13. 耶稣是从天上来的粮
14. To All Who Are Thirsty
14. 人若渴了
15. Jesus and the Woman in Adultery
15. 耶稣和犯奸淫的妇人
16. Jesus the Light of the World
16. 耶稣是世界的光
17. Jesus vs the Devil's Children
17. 耶稣对魔鬼的儿女
18. Jesus and the Man Born Blind
18. 耶稣和生来瞎眼的人
19. Jesus the Good Shepherd
19. 好牧者耶稣
20. Further Conflict Over Jesus' Claims
20. 对耶稣宣告更进一步的冲突
21. Jesus, The Resurrection and the Life
21. 耶稣,复活和生命
22. Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead
22. 耶稣使拉撒路复活
23. Jesus is Anointed in Bethany
23. 耶稣在伯大尼被膏
24. Jesus, the Seed that Must Die
24. 一粒麦子必须死了
25. Jesus Washes his Disciples' Feet
25. 耶稣为门徒洗脚
26. Judas Betrays Jesus
26. 犹大出卖耶稣
27. Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial
27. 耶稣预言彼得不认祂
28. Jesus The Way
28. 耶稣是回归父神的唯一道路
29. The Promised Holy Spirit
29. 所应许的圣灵
30. Jesus The Vine
30. 耶稣是真葡萄树
31. The World Hates the Disciples
31. 世人恨耶稣的门徒
32. The Work of the Holy Spirit
32. 圣灵的工作
33. Grief Turns to Joy
33. 门徒会从忧愁变成喜乐
34. The Prayer of Jesus
34. 耶稣的祷告
35. Gethsemane and Jesus Arrested
35. 客西马尼园和耶稣被捕
36. The Three-Time Denial of Peter
36. 彼得三次不认耶稣
37. The Trials of Jesus
37. 耶稣在彼拉多面前
38. Jesus Sentenced to be Crucified
38. 耶稣被判钉十字架
39. The Seven Sayings from the Cross
39. 耶稣被钉十字架
40. The Burial and Resurrection of Christ
40. 耶稣的埋葬和复活
41. Jesus Appears to Mary and the Disciples
41. 耶稣向马利亚和门徒显现
42. Jesus Reinstates Peter
42. 耶稣重建彼得

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And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
Matthew 24:14

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