We are continuing our study from yesterday’s meditation on the Parable of the Ten Virgins, focusing on Jesus' prophecies regarding His return.
The Lord stated that the Bridegroom’s arrival would be at the darkest hour, at midnight. The five wise virgins, prepared with extra oil, entered the Marriage Supper with Him as soon as He arrived. The Bridegroom did not come and then vanish, only to reappear later. Christ did not mention two separate comings for His arrival, one before the darkness and one during it. There will be great joy among God’s people when we enter the banquet hall with Christ. We will not accompany Him into the wedding hall to witness His marriage; we are to be married to Him. This is not a wedding on earth; it is a wedding in heaven. This celebration will be far more glorious than any marriage you have ever witnessed, and I remind you again that if you are a believer in Christ, you are the bride!
Genuine believers will one day hear Him speak eternal vows of marriage. For now, on this side of heaven, we are espoused or promised in marriage, as Paul explained in the passage below to the Corinthian church:
I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy. I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him (2 Corinthians 11:2).
When the bridegroom arrives, the wedding will take place. The next time you attend a wedding on earth, view it as a foreshadowing of the day when He comes to lead you down the aisle. Those who were prepared entered the wedding banquet with Him. Tenderly, He will approach each of us who has endured many tearful moments, handkerchief in hand…
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, mourning or pain, for the old order of things has passed away (Revelation 21:4).
There is one more thought that I cannot overlook. It is that the door was shut behind them: “The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut” (Matthew 25:10). This closing of the door symbolizes that our experience of this new order of things is eternal. What God has been doing in your life has merely been preparation for eternity, and it will be wonderful to know that we are shut in with Christ (Matthew 25:10).
None are naturally ready for the joys of heaven; no man or woman can ever be good enough. There must be a divine transfusion of God's life into your spirit. Each of us must change within. The Lord Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3). In another place, the Lord said, “You must be born again” or born from above (John 3:3). When we sincerely repent- turning from our sin toward obedience to the Lord Jesus- and receive the gift of God, eternal life in Christ, our names are written in the Lamb's book of life (Revelation 21:27). Although it is painful for those on the outside, it is pure joy for those of us who, by God's grace alone, are inside the door at the wedding. Let’s talk more about this parable tomorrow. Keith Thomas
If you don’t want to wait, go to the All Studies page, click on the Parables of Jesus box, and click on the Parable of the Ten Virgins.
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