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The Holy Spirit Transforms Peter
Following Christ at a Distance
The Healing of the High Priest's Servant
The Arrest of Jesus in Gethsemane
Why Did Jesus Pray for the Cup to Pass from Him?
The Prayer of Jesus Refused by God
Did Jesus Sweat Blood in Gethsemane?
The Pressing Experience of Gethsemane
The Shaking and Sifting of Peter.
The Dispute at The Last Supper
The Promotion Test at the Last Supper
“This Cup is the New Covenant in My Blood”
Jesus Reclines at the Passover Supper
Faith in the Passover Lamb
God’s True Passover Lamb
“God’s Deliberate Plan and Foreknowledge”
The Price of Betrayal by Judas
The Invitation to Satanic Activity
The Influence of Satan on Judas
Was Satan to Blame for Instigating Judas’ Betrayal?
Judas and the Seat of Honor.
The Plan to Betray and Kill Jesus
This is Your Hour—When Darkness Reigns
The Offering of a Poor Widow (Part 2)