In our three-minute daily meditations, we have stated that the Lord Jesus expects His followers to seize and create opportunities to share the good news of Christ's salvation with others. The question many people face is, how can one do that? What are the components of a Gospel presentation? When I have the chance, depending on the openness of the person, I try to cover six different topics:
1. Salvation is a Gift
2. All Have Sinned
3. The Wages of Sin
4. Substitutionary Death of Christ
5. Repent and Receive Christ
6. Assurance of Salvation
Two days ago, we discussed the first two points: salvation cannot be bought or earned; it is a gift. Then we talked about the fact that all of us have fallen short of God's standard—we have all sinned and, on our own, can never be good enough for a place in eternal life with God—we need a Savior. In the third stage, we must clarify to the person that there is a wage that God, in His justice, must impose on all who have sinned—the rightful penalty of separation from God due to sin. I usually introduce this part by telling the person that before I can share some great news with them, I must explain something essential for them to understand:
3) The Wages of Sin
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23).
The concept of wages needs explanation. Whatever job or labor we engage in during our daily lives, we deserve a wage for our work. In the same way, our life of sin warrants payment for what we have earned: death. This death is not merely physical, which is evident; instead, it signifies separation from the author of all life—God. Spiritual death denotes a state of separation from all that is good and holy at the end of our lives, a place known as Hell. If you wish to delve into the topic of Hell, I encourage you to read the study titled The Truth about Hell. At the moment of physical death, we face judgment before God:
Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment (Hebrews 9:27).
This judgment presents a dire prospect for those who do not obey the Gospel of Christ. When this age concludes and Jesus returns, there will be an accounting for those who do not walk with Him:
8dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. 9These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9).
You might be hesitant to discuss Hell, but if you were standing by Niagara Falls and saw someone in a canoe drifting down the river toward the Falls, wouldn’t you shout a warning? Jesus spoke more about Hell than Heaven, so since He warned people, we should do the same. If someone seems hindered from responding to the Gospel, perhaps due to a specific sin they’ve committed, you might be able to pray with them right then about whatever is holding them back if they are open to it. Be open to the Holy Spirit and ask them if it's okay to pray for them. Sometimes, people come up with reasons why they cannot accept Christ, often due to guilt. The enemy does not want to see people set free from their guilt and condemnation. You may also find that the person wants to discuss what’s holding them back. Be a listener. You cannot decide for them, but you can guide them to where they can hear the truth and decide for themselves. If you've come this far in the conversation, rest assured that God can and will continue speaking to their hearts through His Holy Spirit. Keith Thomas
Taken from the Discipleship series, 5. Sharing the Gospel.
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