We are continuing our meditation from yesterday when Christ came into the temple courts and cleared out the money changers and the sellers of animals. Christ demonstrated love and concern for the poor, the helpless, and those isolated from society. He would not put up with the evil injustices in the temple courts. Do we, as Christ's representatives, give the same consideration to the wrongs around us? Sadly, we are too often influenced by the culture around us than by Christ within us. The injustices around us become normalized. Like those in Jesus' day, who may not have seen the wrongs done in the temple, we can become desensitized to sin when we live with it all around us and in the media.
The evils in our society become accepted and tolerated for only so long before a day comes when God will step in and bring to light those things done in secret. He will hold all to account: "The Lord you seek will suddenly come to His temple, the Messenger of the covenant you desire—see, He is coming," says the LORD of Hosts (Malachi 3:1). The Lord is a defender of the vulnerable, the widows, fatherless and the innocents (Jeremiah 22:3). When the Day of the Lord comes, Christ will come with justice.
Because the Lord Jesus is perfect, He could judge the sin in the temple. He not only judged but also demonstrated what real love is in the most powerful way imaginable. He sacrificed His own life as a ransom payment for ours. God's justice is equally mirrored by His mercy and great love for us. Some people are not receptive to the gospel message, perhaps due to a lack of understanding of God not being present in a demonstrative way.
People instinctively know when something is authentic and genuine. When Jesus spoke the truth, He did so in love, and people responded. He could say difficult things and reach people's hearts because He loved them. Knowing that our righteousness is nothing and that we all need God's grace, we need to have the right heart motives if we stand for God's righteousness.
At the core of our lives, each of us has an inner court of the temple of our spirit:
Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? (1 Corinthians 3:16).
The Lord Jesus wants to come and upturn the tables in our hearts, where the love of food, money, or other things are set up as idols. For some, it is a matter of idolizing people or a particular individual, giving them first place in your life rather than worshiping the God who created us. What is the Lord of Love speaking to you as you read these words? What cleansing needs to come?
In cleansing the Temple, Jesus was not only zealous for His Father's house but also for the people affected by the temple becoming a den of thieves. It was not just the dishonest gain and lack of respect that angered Him, but the fact that people were not experiencing anything that would draw them to the Father. His Father's House was to be a house of prayer. He is zealous today, not for stone and mortar, i.e., not for a building made of hands, but for you. Keith Thomas
Taken from the series on the Book of Luke. Click on Study 52. The King Comes to His Temple.